Relationship Help.com
Premarital Counseling, Online Courses,
Healing and Restorative Programs & Intensives
2. Relationship Help:
Premarital Counseling
There are many benefits to premarital counseling. Healthy, respectful communication skills, gaining a deeper insight and understanding of yourself, your partner and what it means to be a 'relationship'.
Many wedding officiants, pastors and churches actually require that couples go through premarital counseling sessions before the big day. It is a very wise requirement and some of the best time a couple will spend together.
The Relationship Help Premarital counseling will help you focus on and understand your beliefs, ideals, and dreams of what a great relationship looks like to you and what it looks like to your partner.
Too often, we make assumptions and assume that what we think, or believe about what a relationship should look like, is what our partner also thinks and believes. Too often, this is not the case, and you know what assumptions have the potential to make out of us. Premarital counseling should bring up tough issues and questions that you may have never considered and give you the skills and resources to work through them. That is the main goal of premarital counseling.
You will consider questions like: What happens when the infatuation wears off? What happens when there are interpersonal conflicts, or even familial ones? What does your partner need in order to get ready to have a loving, respectful conversation instead of a heated argument?You want to learn how to create common goals and an agreed upon vision for your future.
1. Relationship Help Resort: One-on-One Individual & Couple's Resort Retreat Intensive
Escape the distractions and work in person, one-on-one with relationship expert Dawn Billings at a retreat in Mesa, Arizona. A few days of focused effort can help you heal, strengthen and save your sanity and your relationship.
Have you ever wondered how you can love your spouse or partner but yet, feel insecure, unsafe or unhappy at the same time?
Have you tried to talk about, and fix your relationship problems but before you even realize it you find yourselves locked into the same old patterns of frustration, anger, avoidance or completely ineffective communication?
Do you spend more time arguing, avoiding or blaming one another than you do turning to one another for solutions and support? Do you long to nurture a stronger, deeper connection with your partner, but everything you try seems to take you in the opposite direction. Do you feel stuck, and haven’t the first clue as to what you can do to change existing negative reactions and destructive auto-pilot behaviors?
Perhaps you have tried traditional marriage counseling before but found it expensive and you didn’t feel that you received the expert support and practical, easy to implement skills you needed to address your specific problems, or you actually felt like you were paying someone to listen to you argue.
Is it even worse than that, and you find yourself at a crisis point in your marriage. You have discovered, or have been involved in an affair or other betrayal, and need “emergency love and life support” to restore trust and connection. Have you talked about separation or divorce, but you really want to make sure you have tried everything to save your marriage before you give up completely?
If you nodded your head as you read through these questions, you are in the right place to find answers you need. The Relationship Help Healing Resort offers a private 2 day couples intensive where you will learn to understand YOU and your partner in much deeper and insightful ways. This program is built on the Primary Colors Relationship Help Tests and Insight Tools, used by relationship research experts throughout churches, government family programs, even the military. The intensives are led by personality and relationship expert Dawn Billings with over 45 years of experience and expertise.
You will enjoy a luxury resort experience, but your private intensive will provide you will all of the education, insight and hope for your future that will breathe new life into YOU and your relationship.​
3. Relationship Help At Home ONLINE:
Online 26-week Relationship Course
A powerful, effective, and affordable 26-Week relationship and communication course, perfect for repairing and reviving your relationship on a daily basis from the comfort of your home.
The Relationship Help at Home Couples Counseling Program is a wonderful way to restore, enhance and dramatically improve your relationship for a minimal investment. This convenient ONLINE program allows you and your partner to do the work of learning to heal and enhance your relationship at your own pace, on any device (computer, tablet, phone) anywhere. This program works whether you do it alone or together.
The Online Relationship Help Program is the best fit for you if you are concerned that you and your partner are losing your connection, and/or if your communication is stressed, tense or worse. For less than it costs to spend two private sessions with Dawn Billings, you can enjoy a 26-week comprehensive online relationship program with video training from Dawn, daily exercises, assignments and inspiration. Dawn knows you are busy with challenges of life, so this program is designed to only take 5-10 minutes a day, but it is guaranteed to help you understand and perceive yourself and your partner in very different and meaningful ways. This program uses stories, examples and the latest relationship research to keep it interesting. If you feel that your relationship is suffering, and you want to revive it before it is too late, this is a great first step to take.
Enjoy the 'Negativity is Bad for your Brain' video as an example of the quality and depth of information of our ONLINE video training for our comprehensive Relationship Help at Home Couple's Courses.
You will receive the 26 week ABC's of Great Relationships training, Personality testing, results and insight training, the Six levels of communication training, and how to communicate in a way that your partner can hear without being defensive.
Our ONLINE Relationship Help Course is also the follow-up course for our premarital counseling and helps to guarantee that a new couple has a clearer understanding of what personality tendencies they use to color their world, and what color tendencies their partner uses, how to best communicate with one another, conflict management skills, active listening skills and knows not only what nurtures and strengthens relationships but what destroys them as well.
Consultations and Coaching in Person or by Phone
If you prefer a more traditional approach to couples counseling and relationship help, Dawn is available in person in the Phoenix, Arizona area, or can connect with you online, no matter where you are located.
To be honest I no longer encourage people to do once or twice a week counseling in the beginning of attempting to reboot their relationship when they are really struggling. I believe you need an opportunity to reset your always, already narratives that have gotten you to a place of unhappiness and confusion. I encourage people to do a two intensive instead. Then when you follow up with once or twice a week sessions, they are exponentially more effective.
Anyone who completes an intensive training with me, I am happy to do follow up and support sessions with you because after the training they are incredibly valuable. Once you do an intensive with me, I also reduce my support follow-up sessions by 50% to only $100 a session as a reward for your commitment to becoming the best of you, and your commitment to being a more loving and supportive partner in your relationships.
If you would like to schedule a private consultation to introduce us so that you feel I understand your needs so you can be more confident about scheduling an intensive with me, please call and schedule. If you want a better understanding of the work we do at the Relationship Help Healing Resort, my style and psychological philosophy, I would happy to be available in person if you live near the Phoenix, AZ area, or by phone from anywhere in the world. I would love to meet you.
Regular price for Personal session with Dawn Billings is $199 per session
Personality and relationship expert, Dawn Billings has been working with couples, individuals, organizations, and church leaders for over 45 years and is committed to sharing what she has found to be the secrets of
enhancing, fortifying and reviving relationships. Her intensives are actually guaranteed. For more information just call:
Anything you do in life, should be an investment in YOU.
Workshops, Training and Speaking Opportunities
with Relationship and Personality Expert
Author, Dawn Billings

Invite Relationship Expert, Dawn Billings to Share at Your Event, Convention, or Church
Dawn Billings has over 45 years of experience working with relationships, is a successful serial entrepreneur, has been recognized by Oprah as a top Woman in Business, and is an accomplished author of over 20 books.
A workshop with Dawn is guaranteed to provide amazing insights, incredible learning opportunities, and be an uplifting and motivating experience for everyone in attendance.
The Primary Colors of Love - The Secret to Healing Broken Relationships through Personal Insight, Emotional Intelligence Forgiveness and Understanding
Keynote, half-day ($3,500) and full day training ($5,000) plus expenses
So many couple's are frustrated and confused about the bruised and bleeding state of their marriage. How did this happen when they started their journey together so very much in love?
Dawn Billings focuses on "What Went Wrong in a Relationship and How it Went Wrong?" and creates an environment for couples to understand how to heal.
We are individuals with unique perspectives and expectations. In this workshop, Dawn carefully examines why people are attracted to one another and then, how that attraction fades, withers and dies. This is a must have workshop for your church members. Nothing is more sacred than our relationships and families and this workshop is guaranteed to provide critical insights and easy to implement steps to help strengthen and heal even the most broken of relationships.
Love's Languages and Their Dialects - Te Q.U.I.E.R.O.
How Personality Affects the Ways We Express Love & Love's Opposite
Keynote, half-day ($3,500) and full day training ($5,000) plus expenses
This is one of Dawn Billings' favorite workshops. Dawn helps couples understand how their personalities influence and even determine the way they speak and experience love. Dawn takes couples through not only the different primary colors personality types, but then she examines love languages and their different dialects, and how different sides of the primary colors personality wheel speak the same love languages differently.

Everyone raves about the impact that this training has on them and their relationships. The information in this training can totally transform the way people speak their love to one another, but more importantly, it can teach them how to stop speaking the opposite of love to each other.